A continuación se muestran los artículos científicos indexados generados por el Centro USC desde su establecimiento:
- 2024:
- 11. José Antonio Tarrío Mosquera, Valeria Vásquez Tejo, Catalina Cáceres Venegas, Miguel Marten-Allendes, Juan Giglio Gutierrez, Fernando Isla Rodríguez, Marcelo Caverlotti Silva, Gabriel Jeldres Vergara, Rodrigo Urrutia Vidal, Cristian Mardones Castro. “Integrating geodetic infrastructures for GNSS displacements analysis in Chile: A case study with REDGEOMIN (2019-2022)”. Geodesy and Geodynamics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geog.2024.09.002
- 10. José Antonio Tarrío, Catalina Cáceres, Valeria Vásquez, Miguel Marten, Jesarella Inzunza, Fernando Isla, Marcelo Caverlotti, Gabriel Jeldres, Rodrigo Urrutia, Cristian Mardones, and Rui Fernandes. “Geodetic innovation in Chilean mining: The evolution from static to kinematic reference frame in seismic zones”. Journal of Geodetic Science. https://doi.org/10.1515/jogs-2022-0173
- 2023:
- 09. Tarrío Mosquera, J. A., Inzunza Muñoz, J., Cáceres Venegas, C., Vásquez Tejo, V., Caverlotti Silva, M., Isla Rodríguez, F., Jeldres Vergara, G., Urrutia Vidal, R., Mardones Castro, C: “Towards the first kinematic reference frame for Chile. Union of Geodesy and Geophysics” (IUGG). https://doi.org/10.57757/IUGG23-0137
- 08. S.M. Alves-Costa, L. Sanchez, D. Pinon, J.A. Tarrio-Mosquera, G. Guaimaraes, D. Gomez, H. Drewes, M.V. Mackern, E. Antokoletz, A.C.O.C de Matos, D. Blitzkow and A. da Silva. “Status of the SIRGAS reference frame: recent developments and new challenges”. International Association of Geodesy Symposia. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/1345_2023_227
- 2021:
- 07. Tarrío Mosquera, Caverlotti Silva, Isla Fernando, Prado Carlos. “Assessment of Hybrid Geoids in Chile and Spain, Combining GGM and Observations for GNSS/Leveling”. Geodesy and Geodynamics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geog.2020.12.003
- 2020:
- 06. Tarrío J.A., Soto C., González A., Barraza B., Isla F. and Caverlotti M. “Geodesy in Chile (SIRGAS USC CENTER): a Place Where the 4D Component Presents its Maximum Expression”. GIM International. GIM - May/June 2020 | GIM International
A continuación se muestran otras publicaciones generadas por el Centro USC desde su establecimiento:
- 2023:
- 05. J.A. Tarrío, J. Inzunza, C. Cáceres, V. Vásquez, F. Isla, M. Caverlotti, G. Jeldres, R. Urrutia and C. Mardones. “Transition from PSAD56/SAD69 to SIRGAS. Toward a kinematic reference frame for mining in Chile”. International Association of Geodesy Symposia. REFAG 2022
- 2021:
- 04. Tarrío, S. Costa, A. Silva, J. Inzunza. Technical guidelines SIRGAS: 1.“Guidelines for the Coordination of the SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network (SIRGAS-CON)”. https://doi.org/10.35588/dig.g1.2021
- 03. Tarrío, S. Costa, A. Silva, J. Inzunza. Technical guidelines SIRGAS: 2.“Guidelines for the installation, operation and registration of SIRGAS-CON stations”. https://doi.org/10.35588/dig.g2.2021
- 02. Tarrío, S. Costa, A. Silva, J. Inzunza. Technical guidelines SIRGAS: 3.“Guidelines for SIRGAS Analysis Centers”. https://doi.org/10.35588/dig.g3.2021
- 01. Tarrío Mosquera et.al. “ADELA :Analysis of DEformation beyond Los Andes(2009-2021)”. IAG 2021—ScientificAssembly of the International Association of Geodesy.